Power Plant Updates

In the upcoming years the Avon Lake Power Plant transformation will be of interest to many people. The City of Avon Lake, although not in control of the future property, would like to keep people informed. Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) the owner of the site and responsible for the contractors performing the shutdown, decommissioning, and demolishing the power plant, as well as managing environmental cleanup and redevelopment at the site has setup a hotline number for the citizens of Avon Lake to call and communicate any questions, comments, or complaints with regard to the demolition/redevelopment of the former power plant. Toll-free hotline: 1-844-822-8385

Follow this page for regular updates.

February 2025

Insulation Material Report
Additional testing was conducted on insulation material and debris. Results determined this material to be fiberglass insulation with no asbestos present in the samples.

The full report:
Insulation Test Results

January 2025

Power Plant Demolition Air Quality Reports
The City of Avon Lake contracted an independent environmental consultant, Verdantas, to conduct air quality monitoring and testing before, during, and after the controlled demolition of the former Avon Lake Power Plant, which occurred on December 19, 2024. Verdantas reviewed the air monitoring data and confirmed that particulate levels, metals, asbestos, and other pollutants were minimal, posing little risk to both the surrounding public and onsite workers. The report details measurements from six monitoring stations, with results showing that concentrations of dust, metals, and respirable particles were well below safety limits set by OSHA. Additionally, no significant levels of hazardous substances, such as asbestos fibers or mercury, were detected. Overall, the air quality during and after the demolition event indicated no notable health concerns for either local residents or workers, with the findings aligned with established safety standards. These results from Verdantas align with the results and analysis from Avon Lake Environmental Redeveloment Group (ALERG) report.

The full reports and data are available below:
ALERG Air Monitoring Data Report
Verdantas Report
Verdantas Peer Review Memo

November 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) gave a presentation at the Economic Development Committee Meeting on November 18, 2024.

ALERG Presentation - PDF

October 18, 2024

The City of Avon Lake is in discussions with the Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) on an interim development agreement, for the former power plant area, which would include the use of TIF to fund the purchase of lakefront property to create a park and additional infrastructure improvements. Avon Lake City Council will be reviewing legislation to approve the interim developmental agreement at meetings through November 12th. Additional information about TIFs can be found on the Ohio TIF Fact Sheet and on the Lorain Port and Finance Authority TIF webpage.

Below are answers to frequently asked questions to understand how tax increment financing works.

What is a TIF?
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) is an economic development mechanism and public financing tool available to local governments in Ohio, to finance public infrastructure improvements that support development. A TIF allows the increase in assessed value (increment) of an improvement to real property to be exempt from real property taxation (the exempted taxes) and instead have those funds assist with costs necessary for a project to move forward.

How does a TIF work?
TIFs are established through legislation passed by City Council. The legislation designates the parcel to be exempt from taxation, declares that the improvements within that specified area serves the public good, describes the improvements to be made, and identifies the funds to be created for the money redirected under the TIF. Those exempted taxes are converted to, and paid as, Payments In Lieu Of Taxes called PILOTs. The amount paid is equal only to the increase in property taxes generated by the improvement. The PILOTs are directed to the local government and deposited into a TIF fund to be used to pay for the construction of improvements defined within the TIF legislation. Payments are then made from the TIF fund to reimburse the City and/or private developer that made the improvements.

The value of the pre-developed area and the associated property taxes are considered the baseline. The baseline taxes are excluded from the TIF and PILOTs and continue to go to their normal recipients. A TIF does not result in lesser taxes being paid than prior to the TIF being established.

The maximum term of a TIF is 30 years and the maximum percentage of a TIF exemption is 100%. If a TIF exceeds 75% exemption of the increase value and/or exceeds 10 years, it requires the impacted local school district’s approval.

Why use a TIF, and what are the benefits?
TIFs help spur desired development projects that would not be financially feasible otherwise. Often times, the costs of major urban redevelopment/infill projects exceed the revenues that the project will generate. This gap is a major hindrance for many communities that are already built-out. TIFs help pay for development costs/improvements needed to spur private development while having the property owners share in the cost of the improvements. The community as a whole benefits from the new development that will add activity, residents, and jobs.

How do TIFs impact the Schools?
The local school district always retains the current baseline tax revenues under a TIF and to new revenues resulting from the project utilizing a TIF exemption. In addition, the City, school district, and developer can agree to provide a level of compensation to the schools called a School Compensation Agreement. This is new revenue for the schools and would not be generated without the TIF to fill the financing gap. This is what’s called the “but-for” test: The project will not move forward but for the TIF funding.

October 15, 2024

At the Avon Lake City Council meeting held on October 15th, City Council and Members of the Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) discussed the proposed Development Agreement, including the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF).

October 7, 2024

Avon Lake and Power Plant Site Owners Discuss Development Agreement That Includes City Ownership of 23 Acres of Lakefront Land
Press Release

During a work session at the Avon Lake City Council Collective Committee Meeting, a presentation was given about the proposed Development Agreement.
Development Agreement Presentation

September 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Economic Development Committee.
September PDF Presentation

July 2024

7/31/2024 - The boiler building #9 & #10 was successfully imploded on Wednesday, 7/31 at 5:39 AM: Press Release Post Implosion

7/30/2024 - Statement from Mayor Spaetzel regarding the implosion: “We appreciate the community’s valuable feedback and concerns regarding the upcoming implosion and want to provide an important update. The Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) announced that ALERG’s long-planned implosion of the boiler building #9 and #10 will take place on July 31, 2024 between 5:00 AM and 8:00 AM EST. This planned implosion is the next step toward the demolition and redevelopment of the former Avon Lake Power Plant. In preparation for this milestone, ALERG has performed comprehensive dust abatement, asbestos abatement and removal of other hazardous materials at the facility for over the past year. Ohio EPA representatives have toured the plant site and reviewed ALERG’s site preparation activities. On July 30, 2024, City representatives confirmed the Ohio EPA’s Air Division is both aware of the planned implosion and will be present to monitor demolition activities themselves.

The City consulted with both the Law Director and outside counsel regarding whether the City has a strong legal basis to delay the implosion. Based on these discussions, the City concluded that ALERG has the legal right to proceed with its long-planned activity. 

In addition, the City has retained Verdantas, a nationally recognized environmental consultant, to represent the City during the demolition process. Verdantas has assembled a team of experts from across the United States, with deep experience in monitoring similar activities, especially dust monitoring. Therefore, the City believes it has taken prudent and proactive steps to monitor this demolition, in collaboration with Ohio EPA’s regulatory oversight, in a manner protective of City residents.”

Letter from the Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group

June 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
June PDF Presentation

April 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
April PDF Presentation

March 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
March PDF Presentation

February 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
February PDF Presentation

January 2024

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
January PDF Presentation  January Minutes

November 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
November PDF Presentation  November Minutes

October 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
October PDF Presentation  October Minutes

September 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
September Minutes

August 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
August PDF Presentation

July 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
July PDF Presentation  July Minutes

June 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
June PDF Presentation  June Minutes

April 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
April PDF Presentation   April Minutes

March 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
March PDF Presentation  |  March Minutes

February 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
February PDF Presentation - Updated Conceptual Master Plan 2-13-2023  |  February Minutes

January 2023

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC) and Environmental Affairs Advisory Board (EAAB).
January PDF Presentation  |  January Minutes

December 2022

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
December PDF Presentation  |  December Minutes

November 2022

Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) presented to the Council appointed, Community Improvement Corporation (CIC).
November PDF Presentation  |  November Minutes

July 2022

There was  a public meeting to discuss the demolition and redevelopment of the Avon Lake Power Plant site. The featured presenters were from Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG), a subsidiary of Charah Solutions.

The program began in the Avon Lake High School Performing Arts Center (PAC), where ALERG presented information then representatives from ALERG, the City, and the Avon Lake Community Improvement Corporation went to the commons area to discuss the project with attendees.

To watch the presentation on YouTube, please CLICK HERE. To view the Powerpoint slides presented, please CLICK HERE.

May 17, 2022

Below are a second set of questions answered by the Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG).

Q: Do you have an estimate of how extensive the clean-up/restoration will be both in terms of time and amount of soil removed?
A: The former coal yard will be one of the first areas to be addressed to remove coal and coal residuals from the soil surface. This phase is estimated at 3 to 4 months and will be conducted somewhat concurrently with demolition in the coal yard. Other soil management work will proceed after Phase II Environmental Investigations, soil borings, and soil testing is conducted during Summer/Fall 2022.

Q: Where is the closest facility that can receive materials from the site?
A: Appropriately licensed off-site treatment, disposal, and recycling destination facilities that are capable of processing/disposing of/recycling/treating the compounds in the demolition materials will be used. The locations from the site will vary. The closest Subtitle D landfill to the site is Republic Services, Lorain County Landfill, approximately 20 miles south. This landfill will receive demolition debris that cannot be recycled. Asbestos-containing material is being transported to the Ottawa County Republic Landfill located 65 miles west of the site.

Q: Do you anticipate being able to use local (Ohio) contractors?
A: ALERG will utilize local Ohio contractors that meet our qualifications and safety requirements and are responsive to our work task orders, terms and conditions, and are cost competitive.

Q: Will there be post-restoration use restrictions at the site?
A: Currently, ALERG does not anticipate post-restoration use restrictions for the redevelopment of the property. 

May 2, 2022

The Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group (ALERG) has received questions from Avon Lake's Environmental Affairs Advisory Board (EAAB) regarding the remediation and demolition of the Avon Lake Power Plant. Below, we have listed the questions tendered on Thursday, April 28, followed by ALERG's response.

Q: Will there be an environmental site assessment/baseline of the Avon Lake Coal Power Plant be performed?
A: ALERG has been conducting detailed environmental due diligence reviews and Phase I ESA work for the past several months. The Phase 1 ESA was completed before closing and has onsite recognized environmental conditions (RECs) that will be addressed during the remediation and demolition of the plant. Now that we have acquired the property and the plant is being de-energized, we can begin further environmental Phase II testing and assessments in the coming months.

Q: What is the redevelopment/land use plan for the facility?
A: ALERG is working closely with our real estate advisor, planners, engineers, and the City of Avon Lake to assess various land use plans and alternatives for the property. Although still in very early conceptual planning, these Master Plan Concepts have been presented in recent public meetings at the City.

Q: What is the remedial action plan for the facility?
A: Our integrated work teams are currently preparing the site with important environmental controls and best management practices to ensure the site is ready for clean-up and demolition. Subsequent near-term work includes inventory and removal of petroleum, residual chemical/material substances, remaining coal material/coal residuals, and asbestos abatement/removal. These actions will then prepare various areas of the plant for dismantlement/demolition. The facility's Remedial Action Plan (RAP) will be further developed as several rounds of Phase II environmental investigations are conducted and the nature and extent of potentially contaminated media (soil, sediment, groundwater, surface water) become defined and quantified.

Q: How will the soil and groundwater contamination be managed/remediated?
A: When the site is ready and prepared to conduct Phase II ESA work safely, ALERG will assess soil and groundwater conditions. Analytical data will be compared to Ohio EPA's applicable soil and water quality standards.

Contaminants in soil and/or groundwater will be assessed with respect to potential exposure pathways and risks to human health and the environment. If necessary, for risk reduction, feasible, cost-effective, and sustainable remedial approaches will be implemented. Remedial approaches will be defined as further site conditions become defined by Phase II work.

Q: How will hazardous materials, including but not limited to decommissioning waste (i.e., process chemicals, asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, lead, concrete structures and substructures contaminated with PCB's/other process chemicals, etc.) be managed and disposed?
A: We have a team of highly trained, experienced staff and contractors that specialize in managing the wastes and residuals from a large power plant demolition, abatement, and clean-up project, such as Avon Lake. For the most part, off-site disposal and off-site recycling/re-use of wastes and residuals will be conducted. Appropriately licensed off-site treatment, disposal, and recycling destination facilities capable of processing/disposing of/recycling/treating the compounds in the demolition materials will be used. Clean concrete will be crushed and utilized onsite as structural back fill for subsurface voids, basements, and tunnels.

Q: How will the redevelopment plan and remedial action plan be integrated to reduce risk?
A: ALERG's objective is to safely and effectively remove the power plant and its components to an acceptable standard of workmanship and an environmental due care standard. As future land uses and/or development plans are determined, further risk-based assessments will be conducted by others responsible for redevelopment or, depending on timing, scope, and objectives, may be able to be integrated into our work concurrently.

Q: How will stakeholders be incorporated into the project lifecycle?
A: ALERG's team has communicated frequently with the City of Avon Lake and its Community Improvement Corporation (CIC). We will continue maintaining City awareness and provide information from time to time. ALERG's team also works with state and local regulatory agencies while maintaining compliance with all permit requirements.

Q: Who will be the final regulatory approval body, when it comes to remedial actions, and clean-up targets?
A: ALERG's work is regulated by Ohio EPA. We have obtained/transferred various environmental permits for our planned work. As we conduct environmental assessments, remediation, demolition, and risk reduction planning, we will be following the applicable rule making and policies under the Ohio Voluntary Action Program and under the review of an Ohio Certified Professional (CP).

Q: What is the phased project approach and the approximate project schedule?
A: We expect an approximate 24 to 36 month schedule for the work, which has now started.

April 25, 2022

In January, with the help of environmental consulting firm Verdantas, the City of Avon Lake applied for a $300,000 assessment grant from Ohio’s Brownfield Remediation Program. The grant is for the power plant site. This was a new $500 million grant program for the state, and Avon Lake applied in the first of multiple rounds of the program. It is called an assessment grant because it is specifically for environmental testing, and not for demolition or remediation. The City was excited to hear, on April 25, that it had received this $300,000 grant.

April 1, 2022

Charah Solutions Inc., based in Louisville, Kentucky-based says it has completed the full acquisition of the Avon Lake Generating Station and adjacent property. They plan to start immediately start on the environmental remediation and sustainable redevelopment of the property. Through its subsidiary, Avon Lake Environmental Redevelopment Group LLC (ALERG), Charah has acquired the former GenOn property. ALERG will be responsible for the shutdown, decommissioning and demolition of the coal power plant and performing all environmental remediation and redevelopment work at the site. 

Toronto-based Avison Young has been retained to advise on the redevelopment of the property in an environmentally conscious manner and for the future sale of the remediated property.

ALERG has also retained Gensler, a San Francisco-based architecture and planning group, who is positioning the property to expand economic activity and benefit the surrounding communities through job creation and enable this site to provide the best potential use for the community and City of Avon Lake moving forward.

March 2022

A last farewell to the Avon Lake Power Plant presentation was given at the Avon Lake Kiwanis meeting. Thank you to all those in the community who submitting stories, memories, photographs, voices and video shared here. See the videos below for a collection of these contributions.

Avon Lake
Public Library

Paul Englert

Ed Moran

Shea Alltmont

Kathryn Eyring

Dan Rogatto

Melissa Bentley

Ann Jenkins

Susan Schaefera

Chris Brand

Evan McCartney

Ron Thomas

Mary Lou Carswell

Robert Menser

Gary Vasitak


To view a 360º virtual tour of the inside of the power plant - Click Here