
Vitalant Blood Drive
Address: Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Please eat before you donate. Bring a photo ID and a list of any medication. Appointments are preferred.

To make an appointment and earn reward points, go to and search with Blood Drive Code: U0041

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Absentee Ballot Postmark Deadline

One-on-One Medicare Discussions at The Old Firehouse Community Center
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Presented by Health Insurance for Seniors, LLC

Election Day

Lunch & Learn at The Old Firehouse Community Center
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Phone: (440) 930-4135
Limited seating available. No carry-outs.

Veterans Day

Veteran Pinning Ceremony
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Phone: (440) 930-4135
Brief ceremony includes pinning and box lunch for Veteran and spouse.Must RSVP by November 1st.

Environmentally Speaking: Electric Vehicles 101
Address: Avon Lake Public Library, 32649 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Thinking about getting an electric vehicle? Get your questions answered and learn more about electric vehicles.

This program is part of a year-long environmental series, presented in partnership with the Avon Lake Public Library and Avon Lake’s Environmental Affairs Advisory Board (EAAB), that addresses the environmental concerns of Avon Lake's residents expressed via the EAAB survey. Each session focuses on a different topic presented by experts who will educate, as well as provide tools and resources for making an impact in our community.

Bingo at The Old Firehouse Community Center
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Phone: (440) 930-4135
Call 440-930-4135 to register.

Avon Lake Historical Society Presents "The Art & Science of Foraging"
Address: Avon Lake Public Library - Waugaman Gallery, 32649 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH 44012
This program is presented by Geoff Rapp, and is free and open to the public.

Hot Lunch at The Old Firehouse Community Center
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Register early! Maximum seating for 50 people. If you have paid for your lunch and are unable to attend, you may find someone to fill your spot. No refunds will be given.

Menu includes honey cured ham, broccoli au gratin, scalloped potatoes, roll & butter, and dessert.

Friendsgiving at the Old Firehouse Community Center
Address: The Old Firehouse Community Center, 100 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
Please call to reserve your place. Limited seating available. No carry-outs.

Ward 1 Resident Meeting with Council Member Rob Shahmir
Address: Avon Lake Public Library, 32649 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH 44012
These monthly meetings will give residents of Ward 1 the opportunity to discuss concerns and work together to develop action plans.

City Buildings Closed

No Trash Pick-Up
Pick-up delayed 1 day rest of the week

City Buildings Closed