Refuse and Yard Waste

Curbside Refuse Service with Kimble Companies

General Information

Kimble Customer Service

All residences - except those located on private streets that may have other contracts - are automatically set up to receive the 96-gallon cart service. If you would rather have the 64-gallon, 32-gallon, or unlimited service, please contact Kimble Customer Service at 1-800-201-0005 or at their website. Customer Service Center phone hours are Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. and Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. If you want to opt out of trash collect service please fill out this form and send it to Kimble.

Kimble Collection Guidelines

Recycling and refuse materials will be picked up on the day indicated on map below or on this list, except when a holiday falls on the regular pickup day (please see list of holidays below), when recycling and refuse materials will be delayed by one day. For weather-delay alerts, please refer to the service bar at the top of their website or visit their Facebook page

NOTE: Please do not jam items into or overload cart. Recycling carts containing refuse will not be emptied and will be tagged to notify the resident of improper use.

Time of Collection

To ensure your refuse and recycling are collected, please place your carts at your curb by 7:00 a.m. Carts may be placed out on the tree lawn after 5:00 p.m. the day before pickup and should be removed within 24 hours of pickup.

Container Placement

The wheeled carts are designed to work with automated collection trucks so proper placement is important. Carts should be within 2 to 3 feet of the street with the handle facing away from the curb and at least 3 feet from other carts, mailboxes, trees, or other obstacles. This allows drivers to service their customers in a safe and efficient manner. Please place refuse and recycling carts on the tree lawn or in your driveway only. Even in the event of snow, carts placed in the street create a problem for city snow plows.

Avon Lake Trash Map

Holidays That Affect Kimble Collections

Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
There is no refuse or recycling service on these days. All service will be delayed one day.

Bulk and Excess Trash Guidelines

Each residence will be allowed to place up to 2 cubic yards (6 feet wide, 3 feet high and 3 feet depth - the size of a standard bed pickup truck) of bulk and excess trash out for collection one time in a calendar month on their regular scheduled collection day. Unlimited bulk collection costs $30 per quarter. For residents needing an additional collection beyond the included one, please schedule that collection with Kimble. The additional collection will occur on the resident's regular collection day. All trucks are equipped with a computer to track the individual bulk pickups. Extra services will be charged based on the "Large and Extra Items Rate" page. Appliances containing Freon (like an air conditioner or refrigerator) must have the Freon removed and the unit tagged by a qualified technician. Residences subscribing to unlimited service can set out up to 2 cubic yards of bulky and excess items on each regularly scheduled collection day at no additional charge.


Other Resources for Refuse

Disposing of tires, batteries, paint, oil and more.

The weekly curbside collection with Kimble Companies does not include tires, batteries, automotive/truck parts, paint, oil, fluorescent bulbs, gas cans, propane tanks, hazardous/infectious waste, flammable liquids, and any waste prohibited from disposal in a municipal solid waste landfill. You can make arrangements to dispose of many of these items with the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District. Please contact the Lorain County Collection Center at 440-329-5440. The facility is located at 540 South Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035. Open Center hours are Monday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Wednesday 12:00-6:00 p.m., and Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Lorain County Collection Center website.

Disposing of compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)

Since CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury, they should not be disposed of in your usual refuse bin. The following locations will properly dispose of CFLs:
Lorain County Collection Center, 540 South Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035 More Information
Avon Lowe's, 1445 Center Rd, Avon, OH 44011 440-937-3500
Avon Home Depot, 35930 Detroit Rd, Avon, OH 44011 440-937-2240

Responsibly dispose of your tires

Lorain County Residents are able to properly dispose of passenger tires for free at the Lorain County Scrap Tire Collection Sites. Please Note: In the State of Ohio, it is illegal to transport more than 10 scrap tires at anytime, anywhere, without first obtaining a registration certificate from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

Yard Waste Guidelines

Please note: The City will not pick up yard waste generated by professional tree contractors and landscapers.

All grass clippings and other yard waste must be put at the curb in brown paper bags not to exceed 14-16 bags, in personal containers labeled "Yard Waste" that are 33 gallons or less, or 96-gallon yard waste carts that Kimble is now offering for free. PLEASE NOTE: residents will receive a credit on their bill ($.0.78 quarterly credit while also saving on yard waste bags, a potential saving of $175 annually) for using a Kimble yard waste cart. Contact Kimble Customer Service at 1-800-201-0005 to claim your FREE cart.

Brush and small tree trimmings must be cut to less than 6 inches in diameter, no more than 4 feet in length, bundled and securely tied, and less than 50 pounds. The bundled brush and branches can then be placed at the curb with refuse carts. Smaller branches can be put in personal containers that are 33 gallons or less. The bundled brush and branches or containers can then be placed at the curb with refuse carts.

Larger branches and shrubs are picked up by the City using the chipper truck. All cut ends need to face the curb with no items other than branches in the pile. City crews follow a route through the city and there is no specific day for pickup. Depending on the amount of branches to be collected, it can take the crews as long as two to three weeks to complete a full route. Branch pickup is not a city service during leaf and snow because the leaf and snow removal equipment use the same trucks as the branch chipper equipment. 

Landscapers and tree services are responsible for removal of any yard waste and branches they generate while working at a residence. 

Christmas Trees

Christmas trees will be collected the first and second full weeks of January. All decorations must be removed from the tree, including ornaments, tinsel, lights, etc. Please place tree on the tree lawn whole, and do not put inside of any bags or containers.

Questions? Contact Us - 440-930-4126