Standing Committees

All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to water, storm, sanitary, and combined sewers, additions, repairs, and improvements of storm, sanitary, and combined sewers, hydrants, electrical lines, gas lines, index of line breaks, installations of sewers to enclose open ditches, and sewage disposal, sewer assessments and such matters referred to the Building and Utilities Committee under the jurisdiction of the City and the Municipal Utilities Department, are the responsibility of the Building and Utilities Committee for study and report to Council. The chair of the committee will attend Regional Water public meetings when possible.

Review of the Building Department objectives and goals, public transportation, railroad crossings, issues pertaining to water, gas, shoreline protection. In addition, maintenance of ditches catch basins, electrical light, and power matters shall be considered and recommended. Review City utility contracts with power distribution including street lights. Work with other committees related to renewable energy.

Amy Gentry, Chair
Zach Arnold
Rob Shahmir

(1) All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to natural resources and environmental protection shall be referred to the Communications, Environmental, and Recreational Programming Committee for investigation and recommendation to Council.
(2) All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to the Digital Media Department, the municipally owned television station, including telephones, computer hardware or software, social media, city website, marketing, and community outreach.
(3) One member of the Communications, Environmental, and Recreational Programming Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Environmental Affairs Advisory Board.
(4) One member of the Communications, Environmental, and Recreational Programming Committee shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Avon Lake Digital Media Commission.
(5) City website and all forms of social media communications and community outreach and noted technology.
(6) Review the Recreation Department objectives and goals along with recreational programming (includes youth and senior services and other recreational activities).
(7) Green renewable energy and alternative energies.
(8) Issues of informational technology within Council Chamber and the City including network security, radios, and all other communications.
(9) Continue review and lobbying to protect the shores of Lake Erie.
(10) Arts and humanities programming.

Rob Shahmir, Chair
Amy Gentry
Marty O'Donnell

All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to economic development and involving the office of Economic Development, including, but not limited to, retaining existing businesses and attracting new businesses to Avon Lake shall be referred to the Economic Development Committee for study, investigation, and recommendation to Council, except that such referral on a particular matter may be waived by the President of Council upon the Mayor’s request and advise that timely consideration of such matter by Council is necessary or appropriate. Work with the Community Improvement Corporation Board.

Zach Arnold, Chair
Jennifer Fenderbosch
Rob Shahmir

All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to finances, indebtedness, appropriations, payment of moneys and taxation, and all matters involving the office of the Finance Director and insurance and pensions of employees, shall be referred to the Finance Committee for study, investigation, and reporting to Council. As provided in Chapter 296 , members of the Finance Committee shall also serve as members of the Audit Committee. Ongoing review of City budget, annual appropriations, bond issues, levies, and possible legal issues affecting the City. The committee should review the goals and objectives of the Finance Department.

Marty O'Donnell, Chair
Jennifer Fenderbosch
K. C. Zuber
(1) All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to the hiring or promotion of new or existing employees, the grade and step increases of qualifying City employees, the determination of grades and steps for newly created positions, the writing or amending of job descriptions and other matters involving the office of the Human Resources pertaining to Chapter 258 shall be referred to the Human Resources Committee for a recommendation to Council.
(2) All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to negotiations of wage and salary increases for Municipal employees, and the provision of fringe benefits for such employees and special programs, shall be considered and recommended by the Human Resources Committee to Council.
(3) The Committee shall include among its members the Chairpersons of the Finance and Safety Committees. A member of the Board of Municipal Utilities and a member of the Civil Service Commission shall serve as ex-officio members, without a vote. The committee should review the goals and objectives of the Human Resources Department.

K. C. Zuber, Chair
David Kos
Marty O'Donnell
All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to the Police Department, the Fire Department including but not limited to inspections, traffic regulations, pedestrian safety, nuisances, and safety in the City shall be referred to the Public Safety and Health Committee for investigation.

In addition, review of the noted departments’ objects and goals. Includes Homeland Security, emergency community preparedness, school safety, bike safety, and works with the County Board of Health on services and health related issues in the community. All emergency vehicles, emergency communication matters, emergency response apparatus, and special task forces will be reviewed and studied through this committee.

Dave Kos, Chair
Amy Gentry
K. C. Zuber
(1) All ordinances, resolutions, and other matters relating to the construction, maintenance, and acquisition of facilities, buildings, infrastructure, lands, shoreline, trees, and other vegetation owned by the City or proposed to be acquired by it, the lease or sale of facilities, buildings, infrastructure, and lands not needed for Municipal purposes, and matters relating to streets, bike paths, sidewalks, planning, zoning, and City buildings and lands including parks shall be referred to the Public Service Committee for study, investigation, and report to Council.
(2) The Committee is in charge of all matters pertaining to the construction, repair, maintenance and inspection of streets, bike paths, and sidewalks, together with street cleaning, waste collection and disposal, street and highway improvements, grades, assessments, and other matters relating to that area within the right-of-way.
(3) The Committee is in charge of operations relating to public services, including an inventory of Brownfields, historic properties, historic districts, and it shall recommend the obtaining and replacing of equipment, vehicles, and materials used by the Public Works Department, Recreation Department, Municipal Engineer, Zoning Administrator, and Building Department. The Committee is responsible for the maintenance of public parks, playgrounds, and beaches.
(4) Review Planning, Zoning, Engineering, and Public Works Departments regarding objectives and goals.
(5) Housing inspection and enforcement.
(6) Arts and humanities (infrastructure/facilities).

Jennifer Fenderbosch, Chair
Zach Arnold
David Kos

Rob Shahmir, Chair
Amy Gentry
Marty O'Donnell